For up-to-date visiting hours and regulations, please refer to our Patients and Visitors page.

Birthing Unit

There are no set visiting hours in the Birthing Unit, however only 2 support people are permitted in the unit (your support person and one other person). No children please.

Postpartum Unit

Friends and family may visit anytime. Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Your support person can stay with you day and night.

Intensive Care Nursery

Parents and siblings may come to the ICN at any time. Family and friends are also welcome to visit. Children under the age of 16 years, other than siblings of the baby, may not visit. Up-to-date immunization records must be shown to the nurse before a sibling’s first visit.  A limit of three people (including parents) are welcome at the bedside at any time. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times during the visit.

In order to protect the health of our patients, please do not visit if you have a cough, cold or flu symptoms.

Click here to read the full patient handout.